At first we wanted to do some wildcamping. We parked our birdhouse at a local dam in the Middle of Nowhere. But it is dirty, windy, and it doesn't feel safe. The "what ifs" spook in our head so after an hour of dubbing we decide not to stay here. Too much in the open.
Restaurant Caio
on Park4Night we find a free spot at the parking lot of a Restaurant. On.Top.Of.The.Mountain. With a one way -way to small- gravel road full with u-turns. Maggie growls at me. This is no fun. (For those of you that do not know this... I can't drive a car.) On top of that there is incoming traffic. There is always inconing traffic.
But the rewards is one of utter magnicifance. We are welcomed by a view that is beyond magic. From the spot we park our birdhouse you can see for miles around the land. We spoke to the owner who gladly offered us the parkingspace. Luckely we speak a little Italian, that helps opening people up. The restaurant is -che pecato- not open yet, so after seven we are the only one on the mountain. Noone around for miles. Yet we feel 100% safe. The excitement of the beauty of the spot is overwhelming. If it had sea view, this would have been perfetto!
This is a perfect spot for a droneshot. We are getting better at this every day. We say to ourselves: let's put the drone up on every spot. Maybe we can keep that promise. For now the material gathered from our little birdie is awe inspiring. And although I have had trouble at first trying to bring it home safe -it already crashed on my two times- it is still in perfect working order. So happy with this little machine. What we also see is that people are generally very open and interested if you tell them you have a "droni" and that you will make a beautiful movie of their property. Real estate agents are interested also.
This spot is so beautiful, I can't stop filming. Here is a short timelapse of the sunset and the moonrise. I was just on time. It is a bit wobbly, because of the strong gale that tortures the gopro.
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