Tiny House in The Woods

February 18, 2023
 ·   · 
1 min read

This is our tiny home in the woods. It is a small house, no bigger than 50 square meters. We do not live here permanently,  but a large part of the year. It is situated at the beginning of a meadow at the edge of a forest. Is it quiet, the air is clean and it is really dark at night.

Our living room overlooks the meadow. It is like a cinema on first rank.

We are in the middle of nature. And this is our view.

At first glance you might say, mwoah, green desert, some conifers at the horizon, but only if you look long enough, many things happen.

Everyday is different, breathtaking.

Take for instance the light:

Golden morning

The morning sun can light the living in gold,

it can be silver grayish white

it can be silver grayish white,


have a copper glow,

it can be pitch black at daylight

it can be pitch black at daylight,


deep red,




bright orange,

Double rainbow!

all colors of the rainbow,

Indigo Night

indigo blue,

Can you spot the elves?



yes even pink… but off course,

Greyish Browngreen
Reddish Green
Dark Blueish Green
Sappish Green
Darkish Green


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Tiny House in The Woods

This is our tiny home in the woods. It is a small house, no bigger than 50 square meters. We do not live here permanently,  but a large part of the year. It is …

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